Pedigree wet dog food 700g selected varieties offer at IGA

I feed it as an extra taste with his usual kibble, veges, and real meat. Also spread like a pate on his morning toast for brekkie if I feel he needs a bigger breakfast. Ingredients look good, our dog loves offal and organ meats which this may be made of. Looking for a canned Pedigree… Continue reading Pedigree wet dog food 700g selected varieties offer at IGA

Pedigree wet dog food 700g selected varieties offer at IGA

This last bag I purchased is inundated with them. I have used Pedigree for years, but not any more. I have sent an email to Corporate, but have not received a reply yet. Among the top ingredients listed were corn gluten meal, soybean meal, and ground whole wheat. With that much grain in one recipe,… Continue reading Pedigree wet dog food 700g selected varieties offer at IGA