Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Because of inequitable infrastructure development and disinvestment, low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately exposed to these risks. President Biden and Vice President Harris believe this is unacceptable and must change. No child, no family, no teacher, no American water pipes should drink water with lead or be exposed to lead paint in their… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Whelton and his colleagues have actively pursued questions about potential contaminants in the water carried in plastic and other types of drinking water pipes. Two years later the team published a study that compared contaminants released by copper pipes and by 11 brands of a total of four types of plastic pipes. Microbial growth thresholds… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

One report found a 27% increase in water main break rates between 2012 and 2018, reaching an estimated 250,000 to 300,000 breaks per year; this is equivalent to a water main break every two minutes. Just 9% of all community water systems serve over 257 million people, while the bulk of community water systems —… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

These include tiny slits or holes to break up the smoke before it enters the water. The more bubbles that are created by the downstem, the more surface area the vapor has to cool before it enters the tube for inhalation. If your downstem is non-removable, your water pipe will probably include a type of… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

About 39 billion gallons of water a day are withdrawn from surface water or groundwater sources for public supply. Traditional materials like iron or steel currently make up almost two-thirds of existing municipal water pipe infrastructure. But over the next decade, as much as 80 percent of new municipal investment in water pipes could be… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

These dab rig bongs filter the water carrying the vapor up through a chamber close to the mouthpiece, releasing the vapor for the user to inhale while maximizing flavor and airflow since filtration is not as important as when combusting herb. Drinking water systems currently lose at least 6 billion gallons of water, or 9,091… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Over the next two years, one-quarter of the homes tested exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s action level — 15 parts per billion — at least once. Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at /us). Scientific American maintains… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

The Environmental Protection Agency , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and countless experts agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child’s blood. One of the measures that utilities are taking to improve operations and maintenance and shore up resilience and affordability is the development of asset management programs,… Continue reading Protect Pipes > Homeowners Responsibility

How well do face masks protect against COVID-19?

It is important to recognize that the optimal way to prevent transmission of microorganisms, such as viruses, is to use a combination of interventions from across the hierarchy of controls, not just PPE alone. If you have COVID-19, an N95 or other filtering facepiece respirator with a valve may not protect others as well as… Continue reading How well do face masks protect against COVID-19?

How well do face masks protect against COVID

Parents and caregivers may have questions about NIOSH-approved respirators for children. Although respirators may be available in smaller sizes, they are typically designed to be used by adults in workplaces, and therefore have not been tested for broad use in children. Employers who want to distribute N95 respirators to employees shall follow an Occupational Safety… Continue reading How well do face masks protect against COVID