Lewis Pipe And Tobacco Featuring Rich Lewis Pipe Maker And Repairman

You’ll enjoy a cool, slow burning smoke and a very pleasant aroma with a bowlful of Sportsman in your pipe. We took up the challenge when Middleton discontinued its classic Cherry Blend pipe tobacco and requests for a match blend started rolling in. “Our” Cherry Blend is a light, mild aromatic blend of Virginias and… Continue reading Lewis Pipe And Tobacco Featuring Rich Lewis Pipe Maker And Repairman

Lewis Pipe And Tobacco Featuring Rich Lewis Pipe Maker And Repairman

Immediately, he sent emissaries bearing gifts to meet this famous potentate. They met the local “cacique” or chief, but the Great Khan was nowhere to be found. Don’t attempt to smoke your pipe too fast — you might get what experienced Pipe Tobacco in Bags pipe smokers call “tongue bite,” which is a burning, irritated… Continue reading Lewis Pipe And Tobacco Featuring Rich Lewis Pipe Maker And Repairman

Lewis Jarrett & Co Limited

ELITE LJ ABSOLUTE RETURN PORTFOLIO FUND REPORT OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISER Investment Outlook and Review Following the switches that occurred after the Elite LJ Absolute Return Portfolio merger last year the number of changes within the portfolio has reduced in the current reporting period. The ETFS Physical Gold tracker was sold as the performance had… Continue reading Lewis Jarrett & Co Limited

Lewis Jarrett & Co Limited

ELITE LJ ABSOLUTE RETURN PORTFOLIO FUND REPORT OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISER Investment Outlook and Review Following the switches that occurred after the Elite LJ Absolute Return Portfolio merger last year the number of changes within the portfolio has reduced in the current reporting period. The ETFS Physical Gold tracker was sold as the performance had… Continue reading Lewis Jarrett & Co Limited