N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, Face Masks, and Barrier Face Coverings

Another way to maximize protection is todouble maskwith a cloth and surgical mask. Since the beginning of the pandemic, demand for personal protective equipment , including masks, has soared to unprecedented levels. The United Nations has forecasted the demand for surgical masks alone to be in the region of 2.4 billion in 2020. If you… Continue reading N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, Face Masks, and Barrier Face Coverings

Masks and Face Coverings

He stumbled onto an origami show, Above the Fold, that had a “mind-blowing” piece by physicist Robert Lang, a world-renowned origami mathematician and artist. The Airgami is a twist on a popular origami design, the magic ball—also known as the dragon’s egg—sliced in half, which creates a large breathing space and fits tightly on the… Continue reading Masks and Face Coverings