Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

And while President Joe Biden has prioritized removing remaining lead service lines, water utilities aren’t required to finish finding them for almost two and a half years. Trenton — like many other water systems — doesn’t know where all of its lead service lines are. The 62 homes Trenton tested during that period have lead… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Some researchers say plastic pipes in the U.S. have not yet undergone the same degree of water quality and health scrutiny as pipes made of copper, iron, steel and cement. With these so-called legacy materials, methods to prevent or remedy leaching, permeation and other issues are well known, says environmental engineer Andrew Whelton of Purdue… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

These pipes have many benefits over other methods of smoking, not the least of which is variety. Splash guards are handy in preventing the water from the base of the pipe from reaching your lips as you inhale. The splash guard includes slits so vapor can still pass through, but the top is domed so… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

But, experts say, the only permanent solution to stop lead from seeping into America’s water is to remove the millions of lead pipes that remain 36 years after environmental regulators banned new ones from being installed. An image provided by the Environmental Protection Agency shows examples of a lead pipe, left, a corroded steel pipe,… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Cities and states are still waiting for more guidance from the EPA to give water utilities best practices for locating lead pipes. Washington, D.C., switched from chlorine to monochloramine in 2000, and the number of babies with elevated blood lead levels rose nearly tenfold, according to a study Edwards published in Environmental Science and Technology.… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides low-interest loans to state and local drinking water infrastructure projects. The EPA provides an allotment for each state based on its Drinking Water Needs Survey that is conducted every four years, and states in turn provide a 20% funding match. From 2013 to 2018,… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes

Filtering for lead is relatively easy and inexpensive if using a faucet-mounted product with a carbon filter. Check to make sure it is certified specifically for lead removal by NSF International or the Water Quality Association. Also use “lead-free” fixtures and faucets, with less than 0.25 percent lead. vaporizers bongs But ORNL’s study didn’t focus… Continue reading Breathtaking Bongs & Wondrous Water Pipes