FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

Lightweight, easy to install, corrosion-free and up to 50 percent cheaper than iron, plastic pipes have already taken the place of copper as the preferred material for service lines that connect homes to municipal mains, as well as inside the home. With plastic pipes, the matter of potential drinking water contamination is less clear-cut. In… Continue reading FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

Maintenance costs reached an all-time high of $50.2 billion above capital in 2017, in part due to deferred capital projects. A recent survey found that 47% of the maintenance work undertaken by utilities is reactive and done as systems fail. “We really, in so many ways, ignored the most basic public health infrastructure,” Lanphear said,… Continue reading FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

SMOKEA® collection, you are perusing our curated list of the best vaporizers bongs and cool water bongs for sale. They are smoking appliances that feature a water element; in water pipes, water acts as a filtration system to help make your smoking experience as smooth as possible. Some water pipes include an ice pinch as… Continue reading FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

This type of bong recycles the water through separate, interconnected chambers as you draw from the mouthpiece. This means that the smoke is constantly being filtered and cooled to provide smoother hits. However, the intricate designs make these more challenging to clean. Cool down colossal rips with these carefully crafted, thick glass water pipes and… Continue reading FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

It likely corroded old lead pipes and caused the surge of lead in the drinking water. Because it hadn’t detected high levels of lead in years past, Trenton hadn’t been required to test for lead at residents’ taps since 2014. The uncertainty over potable of all kinds is exacerbated by a lack of regulation over… Continue reading FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan