Fine-cut Tobacco Scandinavian Tobacco Group

According to an aspect of the current invention, there is provided a tobacco reduce filler comprising a first tobacco material cut in accordance with a first reduce specification, whereby the primary cut specification units at least predetermined first minimize width and first minimize length. U.S. Patent 6,568,104 assigned to Philip Morris Inc., New York, New York, USA. A course of for getting ready tobacco stem for use as filler for a smoking article consists of classifying the green tobacco stem by diameter to provide a plurality of stem grades and rolling each grade individually. Each grade is rolled beneath rolling circumstances optimized for that grade together with rolling the grade by way of the nip between rollers with the nip size being adjusted for each grade so as to attain a uniform rolled stem thickness and the oven volatiles content material of the stem being adjusted before the rolling.

The yield of flat rolled stem which may be used instantly as filler is elevated, and the common stem size and thus the common length of reduce filler from stem is elevated. A tobacco reduce filler based on any one of many previous claims having a filling power of a minimal of three.5 cubic centimetres per gram at a reference moisture value of 12.5 percent oven volatiles. Accordingly, tobacco particles were prepared from the same sheet of reconstituted tobacco based on the reduce specification illustrated in Figure 12, whereby the minimize width SCW1 is of zero.9 millimetres, the cut size CL1 is of four.94 millimetres and the worldwide width CW1 is of 12.50 millimetres.

Further, the second Y-shaped construction contains a second branching node from which a rectangular construction branches off. In the embodiment of Figure 1 1 , the reduce strip contains a primary Y-shaped structure including Fashion tobacco pipe a first branching node from which a second Y-shaped construction branches off. Further, the second Y-shaped construction contains a second branching node from which a third Y-shaped construction branches off.

Filling cut tobacco

In addition, the formation of tobacco dust is decreased in contrast with traditional manufacturing strategies. Accordingly, the want to gather and re-process tobacco dust is considerably reduced and the general efficiency of the manufacturing process is thus advantageously increased. A tobacco minimize filler in accordance with any one of the previous claims, wherein the primary tobacco material is shredded into strips having a sinusoidal shape, whereby a wave length of the sinusoidal shape is from about 1 mm to about 15 mm. A tobacco reduce filler in accordance with any one of the previous claims, wherein the primary tobacco materials is shredded into strips from a sheet materials having a thickness from about 0.05 mm to about 1 mm. Table 2 under lists the values of CCV measured at a reference moisture worth of 12.5 percent oven volatiles for each sample.

Within a minimize strip of tobacco materials, the sectional cut width may be the considerably identical for all the strip portions. While this can be preferable, the sectional minimize width can also differ from one strip portion to a different. Typically, previous to being minimize, a tobacco materials might endure different mechanical operations, corresponding to rolling or extrusion.

Because of the lowered tobacco fibre size throughout the reconstituted tobacco materials, exposure to the same remedies as tobacco lamina may degrade, to some extent, the reconstituted tobacco. By way of instance, during drying, the moisture content material of reconstituted tobacco is greatly decreased, leading to shrinkage of the tobacco particles forming the reconstituted tobacco sheet. Additionally, the slicing strategies typically employed to convert the tobacco material mix into filler may lead to some lamination and compression of the reconstituted tobacco material . All this causes a reduction within the filling energy of the treated reconstituted tobacco and, accordingly, of the tobacco minimize filler as a complete. A mode of a discrete probability distribution, as is the case with the reduce size distribution among the many minimize strips of the first tobacco materials is a worth at which the chance mass function takes a most value. Thus, in a unimodal distribution, the probability mass perform only has one most worth, and that corresponds to the most probably worth of reduce size .

A tobacco reduce filler based on any one of the previous claims, wherein the first tobacco material is shredded into strips having a minimize length from about 5 mm to about 60 mm. A tobacco minimize filler based on any one of claims 2 to four, whereby the second tobacco materials is a natural tobacco leaf material. An angle of 90 degrees was thought of to be undesirable, in that it would lead basically to a form fairly much like the shape of Figure 6, and so an angle of 60 levels was chosen for the “V” parts. Further, the tactic preferably comprises the step of mixing the cut first tobacco materials and the reduce second tobacco material.

The term “cut specification” is used all through the specification to refer to the assorted geometric parameters characterising the strips obtained by subjecting a tobacco material to a cutting operation. Thus, in accordance to a given “reduce specification”, a tobacco material shall be cut or shredded into strips having a predetermined minimize width, cut size, reduce form and so forth. Further, it will be desirable to provide Filling cut tobacco one such improved course of that permits for a better control of the shape, measurement and properties of the reconstituted tobacco matter forming part of the reduce filler. At the same time, it might be desirable to provide one such course of that doesn’t require any main modification of the traditional apparatus and facilities used in the major remedy of tobacco.