Process For Providing Reduce Filler For Cigarettes

Figures 1 to 12 reveals cut strips of a primary tobacco materials for incorporation in a reduce filler according to the present invention. The strips have been reduce from a sheet of reconstituted tobacco having a thickness from about zero.05 mm to about 1 mm in accordance with a first cut tobacco pipe specification, wherein the first cut specification sets a predetermined first minimize width CW1 and a predetermined first cut length CL1 . In addition, the first reduce specification may further set a predetermined first sectional cut width SCW1.

A tobacco cut filler based on any one of many preceding claims, wherein the primary tobacco materials is shredded into strips having a reduce size from about 5 mm to about 60 mm. A tobacco reduce filler based on any considered one of claims 2 to 4, wherein the second tobacco material is a natural tobacco leaf material. An angle of 90 degrees was considered to be undesirable, in that it will lead basically to a shape quite much like the form of Figure 6, and so an angle of 60 degrees was chosen for the “V” components. Further, the tactic preferably includes the step of blending the reduce first tobacco material and the minimize second tobacco materials.

Filling cut tobacco

Sensors 40 and mass flow controllers forty two, 44, if present, are operatively connected with a management unit 46 configured to manage the operation of the apparatus. In specific, the management unit 46 adjusts the speed to the conveyor belt 38 in view of variations in the speed at which the web of reconstituted tobacco is fed to the shredding gadget 36, in order to forestall any undesirable accumulation of reduce strips on the conveyor belt. By finely controlling the scale and form of the strips into which the primary tobacco material is reduce or shredded, the features of the primary tobacco materials can advantageously be better preserved each time the first tobacco materials is mixed, within the shredded state, with some other tobacco material. This is especially advantageous when the primary tobacco materials is a pre-processed tobacco materials, corresponding to a reconstituted tobacco sheet materials. The “thickness” of a minimize strip of tobacco materials for incorporation in cut fillers in accordance with the present invention refers again to the distance between an upper surface and a lower surface of the portion of material forming the reduce strip.

Should one such particle break at a location in the central V-shaped portion, the 2 ensuing elements of the particles would still be effectively V-shaped. The highest CCV values were obtained for cut specification no. three, which substantially corresponds to particles having a Y-shape. However, it was found that when particles have been produced from the identical sheet of reconstituted tobacco in accordance with minimize specification no. 3 are produced, a big fraction of the tobacco materials went to waste. These correspond to the shapes illustrated in Figures 9 and 10, respectively, for which the values of CCV listed in the following Table 3 had been measured. Tobacco cut fillers according to the present invention may be prepared by a method comprising offering a primary tobacco materials and cutting the primary tobacco material in accordance with a first cut specification setting a minimal of predetermined first cut width and first minimize size. Tobacco cut filler in accordance with the current invention may be incorporated into a big selection of smoking articles.

A tobacco minimize filler based on any one of the previous claims, whereby the first tobacco materials is a reconstituted tobacco sheet. Preferably, the reduce filler has a filling energy of no less than about three.5 cubic centimetres per gram at a reference moisture value of 12.5 percent oven volatiles. More ideally, the reduce filler has a filling power of at least about 4 cubic centimetres per gram at a reference moisture worth of 12.5 percent oven volatiles. In addition, or in its place, the minimize filler preferably has a filling power of lower than about 8 cubic centimetres per gram at a reference moisture worth of 12.5 percent oven volatiles.

A tobacco minimize filler in accordance with declare 1 or 2, wherein the first tobacco material is a pre- processed tobacco material. In a 3rd experiment, the minimize specification no. 10 was slightly modified with a view to improving the resistance of the particles to the stresses involved by the cigarette-making process. In particular, there was concern that through the cigarette-making course of the tobacco particle can be exposed to high tensions and frictions which might cause particles ready in accordance with the cut specification no. 10 to break. This might have reduced the benefit coming from the V-shape and proven by the CCV measurements described above. Figure 13 depicts a schematic view of an apparatus for forming a tobacco minimize filler in accordance with the current invention. Figures depict a quantity of examples of particularly shapes into which tobacco material for forming a cut filler in accordance with the current invention could also be minimize.

In addition, a second couple of blends was used, that contained 70 percent by weight of natural tobacco particles and 30 % by weight of reconstituted tobacco particles cut in accordance with the specs of Figures 1 1 and 12, respectively. Thus, the minimize width of an individual minimize strip is taken on the level along the length of the strip that yields the largest cross-sectional space. Further, the filling power of the shredded first tobacco material may be maximised by choosing an acceptable first reduce specification. This results in an improved filling power of the minimize filler as an entire, significantly when the primary tobacco materials is mixed with no less than another tobacco material.

The expressions “final minimize width” and “last cut size” are used herein to describe the minimize width and minimize size of a tobacco materials as present in a tobacco cut filler used in a tobacco product. The method might further comprise a step of conditioning the primary Filling cut tobacco tobacco materials prior to slicing the primary tobacco materials. Further, the tactic might comprise a step of controlling the moisture content of the cut filler by adjusting the moisture content of the first tobacco material.