Pipe Tobacco Pouch

Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste, and Pipe Tobacco lightly stronger room note. Made with tobacco grown in the USA, Good Stuff has a strong following and for a good reason.

Burley tobacco is produced in many other countries with major production in Brazil, Malawi and Argentina. OHM Silver Pipe Tobacco is the epitome of quality and purity, made with only the finest and all-natural ingredients. The American product is unmatched in flavor profile and aroma.

Producers must contend with major diseases such as black shank and blue mold and insects like aphids, hornworms and budworms. Plants are topped by removing the developing flower head at approximately 60 days from transplanting and treated to prevent the growth of side shoots called suckers. Topping allows energy that would have produced a bloom to promote leaf expansion.

The process by which this tobacco is produced predates Columbus. The Choctaw Indians of (what would later be) Louisiana would make it by pressing it into hollow logs with a long pole, and securing it with weights. Another “spice” tobacco grown only in St. James Parish, Louisiana.

A low-sugar, high nicotine, slow-burning tobacco with a very subtle flavor. In pipe tobacco, burley is often used as a base for aromatics or to modify the burning characteristics of a blend. In the United States it is produced in an eight state belt with approximately 70% produced in Kentucky. Tennessee produces approximately 20% with smaller amounts produced in Indiana, North Carolina, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia.

Pipe Tobacco in Bags

Best enjoyed after unburdening from the day’s heavy load and soggy boots. This blend embodies the safety and comfort of your snug den and is a treat while you reflect and unwind. Stoving (the process of literally cooking the tobacco) darkens a tobacco and changes its taste, usually reducing tongue bite. Incidentally, VA’s with the most sugar will darken the most. Turkish varietals, unfortunately, are no longer available, even to professional blenders.