Intex prism frame above ground swimming pool review

These pools require an absolutely level surface prior to set up, or the pool may collapse and cause injury or property damage. The Easy-Set pools may also fail due to a puncture of the top inflatable ring. Your new backyard oasis needs a pump, filter, and a few tools to keep intex frame pool it clean and running smoothly. A little homework might be required to master regular maintenance and the right mix of chemicals to keep the water clean and sanitary. You can also choose whether to clean and store your pool during the off season, or let it winter in place.

The frame held up to the repeated pushes and pulls. A 70-pound child who wasn’t quite tall enough to step over the side to get into the water kept hurling herself up and over, often catching a piece of the frame on her foot. If the water inside your pool intex purespa is left unchanged, sharp debris and other accumulated wastes at the bottom may scratch your liner. Over time these tiny tears, along with continuous use, may lead to leaks that require you to put a patch on it or, worse, replace the entire liner.

intex frame pool

You don’t need any tools or a pro to set up any of their pools, even the larger 24ft, and 32ft sizes. Because the pool is small, you don’t need a filter pump and it doesn’t come with one. Just make sure you replace the water every 1-2 days to keep it sanitary. If you don’t want to replace the water that often, add a bit of chlorine.

Run your filter pump for at least 12 hours a day, every day. This will make sure all the water in your pool circulates at least once. intex baby float In an ideal world of bottomless money vaults, you could run your pool pump 24 hours a day, but 12 hours is a good compromise.

We found that they gave us the most bang for our buck. Intex Prism Frame Pools come in many different sizes to fit different needs. The smaller circular ones are perfect for families with small yards and young children. Some of them are the same sizes that are available in the Easy Set Pool line, but they’re sturdier and last longer. We have owned Intex Easy Set Pools in the past, so we were familiar with the air ring at the top that holds in the water.