Chicago Schwinns

The Varsity and Continental sold in large numbers through the 1960s and early 1970s, becoming Scwhinn’s leading models. The wheel rims were likewise robust, chromed, stamped steel with a unique profile designed to hold the tire bead securely, even if pressure were low or lost. By 1975, bicycle customers interested in medium-priced road and touring bicycles had largely gravitated towards Japanese or European brands. One example was Peugeot, which won several Tour de France victories using race bikes with frames occasionally constructed by small race-oriented framebuilders such as Masi, suitably repainted in Team Peugeot colors. In reality, mass-market French manufacturers such as Peugeot were not infrequently criticized for material and assembly quality — as well as stagnant technology — in their low- and mid-level product lines. Nevertheless, Peugeot proudly advertised its victorious racing heritage at every opportunity.

On the flip side I know a guy who owns a $7000 SC and crashes every time he rides go figure. Judging by all the comments about it, I’m in the minority but I find it’s a fun accessory. I did remove the reflectors and also the “pie plate” on the cassette, again, based on my own mongoose bicycles preferences for how I like my bikes to look / perform. One minor bummer is that the informational stickers on the frame don’t peel off cleanly. There’s also a nut or something inside my test frame that rattles and rolls like a penny in a jar whenever the bike is moved.

Now that Jeff has tested these wheels and tires, folks who buy this bike know that it’s an option. While the drivetrain and the wheels perform well, the brakes and suspension will leave most mountain bikers wanting more. Mechanical disc brakes are lower maintenance than their hydraulic cousins but offer far less power. Heavier riders in particular should be wary of the stock brakes which require extra stopping distance.

This type of delivery bicycle had instant acceptance, broadened the field of usefulness of the bicycle, and opened up a new field for the bicycle dealer. Arnold, Schwinn & Company now has several different types and styles of bicycles for its customers to choose from and over 40 varieties in parts and accessories, most of these of its own manufacture. The special need of its customers in various geographical locations are provided for. Adolf Arnold was at that time president of Arnold Brothers, a meat packing establishment, and president of the Haymarket Produce Bank.


Although lack of cash precipitated the bankruptcy, the company was also suffering from lack of profits, with a $10 million loss projected for 1992. Ignaz Schwinn died in 1948 at the age of 88 years old, leaving behind a legacy and a name that has become synonymous with bicycle. Being able to secure a new lease on the Excelsior plant for a period of two years and the privilege of renewal of one year.

Both Ignaz and Frank stuck to a philosophy of building rugged, durable bikes combined with timeless design qualities. That philosophy far outlived both of these men – a testimony to its power. The company also joined with other United States bicycle manufacturers in a campaign to raise huffy beach cruiser import tariffs across the board on all imported bicycles. In August 1955, the Eisenhower administration implemented a 22.5% tariff rate for three out of four categories of bicycles. However, the most popular adult category, lightweight or “racer” bicycles, were only raised to 11.25%.

A Schwinn wasn’t a Schwinn until Mr. Schwinn said it was a Schwinn. At Schwinn, they make bikes that allow riders of all ages and abilities to experience the joy of riding. From “walk ‘n’ roll” kids bikes to the Le Tour Legacy, Schwinn offer a comprehensive line of bikes that suit the needs of riders across the United States and around the world. Schwinn bikes are built to the Schwinn Quality standard, with over 100 years of cycling heritage, passion and expertise.

According to the company’s bankruptcy filing, the bank credit squeeze reduced its secured bank debt from more than $64 million last Jan. 31 to $32.5 million. The precariousness of mongoose bicycles’s condition remained largely hidden until 1992. The first unmistakable sign that the troubles might be spinning out of control came in the spring, when word leaked of an unsuccessful attempt to sell a controlling stake to outside investors. Still, the bankruptcy filing startled Schwinn’s dealers and others. Schwinn’s sales peaked at $212.5 million in 1988, according to records filed in the bankruptcy case.