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Williams had been being built as a midcarder at the time in hopes of repairing his charcter after the WWF Brawl For All, feuding with Snow and Holly since March. In line with the event’s concept, the main event was a rematch from WrestleMania XV between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWF Championship, but this time with a special guest referee, Shane McMahon. Lower down on the card, Big Show and Mankind had a Boiler Room Brawl to settle matters after their previous encounter, which decided who would referee the WrestleMania event. Triple H also wrestled X-Pac due to Triple H causing X-Pac to lose a match for the European Championship the previous month. If untreated, it can rob an engine of its power and ultimately its life.

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The two fought at WrestleMania but the match also included Billy Gunn and a deciding bout was needed. On Raw is War episodes leading up to Backlash, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams would regularily feud with both Snow Castrol GTX and Holly for the WWF Hardcore Championship, where he was managed by Jim Ross. On the April 5, 1999 episode, Snow and Holly had a singles match, where Williams attacked both of them with suplexes in revenge.

After being thrown into a ramp Mankind took advantage by spraying steam into Show’s face, then unleashing suspended pipes from above onto him, burying Show. Mankind then escaped the room to win the match only to be assaulted by Big Boss Man and Test and driven back into the room. After Show escaped from the pipes mobil 1 oil and realized Mankind was being attacked, he slammed Test and chased Boss Man away while Mankind put on Mr. Socko and using the mandible claw on Test. After this a tag team match took place between the New Age Outlaws, a team made of The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn and the team of Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart.

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A second Backlash event was held the following year after WrestleMania 2000, thus establishing Backlash as an annual PPV for the WWF; in 2002, the WWF was renamed to World Wrestling Entertainment . With the exception of the 2005 event, which was held in May, Backlash was held every April through the 2009 event. Throughout this time, it retained its position as the post-WrestleMania PPV. Following the 2009 event, however, Backlash was discontinued and replaced by Extreme Rules in 2010. Backlash was reinstated in 2016, but it was held in September after that year’s SummerSlam, thus ending its previous tradition of being the post-WrestleMania PPV. In 2021, however, Backlash was positioned as the first PPV held after WrestleMania 37, thus the event returned to its original concept and was titled “WrestleMania Backlash”.