Biography Of Richard Nixon, Thirty Seventh U S. President

When World War II broke out, he joined the navy and served in the Pacific theatre of the struggle where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander before leaving the Navy in 1946. Nixon nominated Ford, who was the House minority leader , to take Agnew’s place on October 12, 1973. The Senate voted 92 to 3 to substantiate Ford on November 27, 1973, and on December 6, 1973, the House confirmed him by a vote of 387 to 35.

nixon vice president

The investigation of the “Watergate Affair” eventually led to the conviction and imprisonment of a selection of senior administration officers. He tried to use government privilege to protect audio tapes of conversations on the White House, however the Supreme Court overruled his efforts. When the tapes indicated that he had tried to divert the investigation, his help with the basic public and in Congress eroded.

Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., have been the only former congressmen in the Eisenhower cupboard, and nobody else had Nixon’s connections with the Senate. Although the Republicans held a slim majority in Congress, it was not certain that the Old Guard, many of whom were influential committee chairmen, would rally to Eisenhower’s legislative agenda. If the president was going to push through his program of “trendy Republicanism” and stave off unwanted legislation, he wanted a former member who may “work the Hill” on his behalf.

And, consider it or not, the day before we left on this campaign trip we got a message from Union Station in Baltimore saying they had a package for us. It was a little cocker spaniel canine in a crate that he’d despatched all the way from Texas. And you know, the youngsters , like all youngsters, love the canine and I simply need to say this proper now, that no matter what they say about it, we’re gonna hold it. Richard Milhous Nixon (9 January 1913 – 22 April 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974, when he became the only president to resign the office.

He traveled over 25,000 miles on behalf of the Republican National Committee in early 1970, talking at a number of Lincoln Day occasions, and supplanted Reagan because the get together’s leading fundraiser. On October 14, 1969, the day earlier than the anti-war Moratorium, North Vietnamese premier Pham Van Dong released a letter supporting demonstrations within the United States. Nixon resented this, but on the recommendation of his aides, thought it finest to say nothing, and instead nixon gold watch had Agnew give a press conference at the White House, calling upon the Moratorium protesters to disavow the support of the North Vietnamese. Agnew dealt with the task nicely, and Nixon tasked Agnew with attacking the Democrats usually, whereas remaining above the fray himself. This was analogous to the position Nixon had carried out as vice chairman in the Eisenhower White House; thus Agnew was dubbed “Nixon’s Nixon”.